Life Awake
Life Awake
1. The Life inside
Download contemplation here:
The Life Inside
When they tell you to stop and be still
It’s not about not moving
It’s about giving you the chance to recognize something,
that somehow has escaped your attention.
An aspect of you that seems to have gone unnoticed.
I know you can pay attention to many things.
and the world, it wants you to pay attention to a lot of things.
But to yourself,
Have you had an opportunity to pay attention to that ?
You see, attention is like a reservoir
And when you pay attention to the many things
That’s when it drains
But when you pay attention to yourself
That’s when it gets replenished
It’s easy for me to tell you about the life divine
But if you don’t know me
Then this means that your reservoir is low
That you can’t pay attention to yourself
That you have lost yourself in the ten thousand things
All I ever do is try to point you back to yourself
Because you, yourself is where it’s at
You yourself is where you find life
Out there, it’s what we call your life story
But life itself
That’s inside, and that is a much bigger story
then the one you are clearly enchanted with.