Life Awake
Life Awake
2. The Veil of Desire
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The Veil of Desire
In my thinking hunger is about food.
In my experience hunger is about discomfort
In my thinking hunger is about wanting
In my experience hunger is about not wanting
If you only knew in my thinking,
then you might say that hunger makes me move towards something I want.
But if you only knew me in my experience,
then you might say that hunger makes me move away from a sensation that I don’t want.
The thinking
it’s the orientation of the above,
and the experience
it’s the orientation of the below.
and between them there is a veil,
The veil of desire.
To awaken is to begin to consider the above as well as the below.
And this is why desire is so tricky, because when we are asleep, we are enchanted by the thinking in the above, and then it can seem like we are moving towards something, but below where it counts, we are actually moving away.
One time someone asked me why that very wealthy person is never satisfied. I told them, that you never know, he might have spent his whole life thinking that he is moving towards, not knowing that underneath, in the experience, he was moving away. And if you spend your whole life running away, is it really a surprise that satisfaction never arrives.