Life Awake
Life Awake
3. Awakenedness
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Awakedness is awakened from “me” and there is no difference between them.
To be awake is to realize the game that is being played.
To be awake is to re-member.
To be awake to re-cognize who/what you really are.
And to see that the persona is just that which you pretend to be.
You forgot who you are in order to experience who you are and from that experience you create.
You delight in all the forms of you.
You are in joy in this life.
You love yourself here.
In I AM-ness there are no dimensions - there are none and yet there are all.
You contain the multitudes.
I AM pours forth all creations in order to know itself. What a gift of love! Re-member, realize you are whole in this holy moment.
This experience is so rich, so overflowing with life, so abundant with goodness and gratitude. What joy! What Joy!
To know that I AM. And what is that but Life Awake. Life lifing. How glorious!
No matter where I AM, there I AM!
A simple shift in perception and there it is.
This is. I AM! That’s all.