Life Awake
Life Awake
4. Meeting Experience
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Can you sit and listen to the stillness?
Can you hear it beckoning you back to something familiar that has seemed so far away.
Listen. It’s calling you home.
Can you watch as this all arises? Can you see THIS?
Truly allow each wave to rise and fall and merge again into the vast ocean. Look. Each arising is calling you home.
Can you be as you are? Can you sit with you for a while? Have you contacted You?
Not the you you’ve conditioned yourself to be, but the you that is everywhere and nowhere at all, the you that is both everything and nothing. Be. That is home.
Can we walk each other home, only to laugh as we realize we never left? Can we click our heels together and feel the truth in, “there’s no place like home”?
Home is This.
And yet we leave trails of reminders to find our way - silence, stillness, a bird call, a babbling stream, our beloveds embrace, an infinite sky... everywhere you go my song is there calling you home, let’s walk awhile, get lost and pretend to find it all over again my love.