Life Awake
Life Awake
7. The 3 Orientations Part 1
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The 3 Orientations
Our mind, it has no locus of true and authentic pleasure
It’s role is to mitigate and resolve present moment suffering
And to try to imagine a world where this suffering does not exist.
Those in the inner circle know this:
That life is best known not through the mind,
but through direct experience.
Which means, we do not grip for an outcome
And instead we open, let things unfold, and release.
This is the inner circle and the orientation of experience
It is the realm of revelation
It’s where we find source in all it’s beauty
And where we get to meet the miracle of life itself.
When our experience is pleasurable,
Our movements, their nature is expression There is no goal to them but authenticity And this, we call art, dance or play
When instead of pleasure, our experience turns discomfort,
Instead of expression, we turn ourselves, our movements, into action. Now our goal is to make the experience different
We are compelled, and so we desire change.
In action we set joy aside, and exchange it for the experience of effort. The inner circle becomes then darkened
And will power is declared the new master and king.
Contemplative ShortsTM
This is the nature of the orientation that is action
A realm governed by overcome and challenge The present moment looses its lure and luster Fundamentally, everything becomes not ok!
To really open into pleasure is high mastery
It’s a dive below the mind
Into deep currents of subjectivity and surrender.
Instead we get enchanted by presentations of pleasure Trying to predict what the right circumstance is
That will allow us to have the experience that we seek.
Our dream is to be able to guarantee ourselves a good experience, One that can free us form our mitigating efforts
And one that will allow us to rest within
This is the nature of the orientation that is circumstance
We try to bind our circumstance to our sought after experience
An attempt to stop the ever changing subjective nature of experience A life of checking all the boxes, seeking to acquire a feeling state One that comes with a lifetime warranty.